Begin with the Building Blocks

The best way to get started creating a mentoring culture is to establish a solid foundation by aligning it with your organization’s goals and infrastructure. 

Cultural Alignment 

When mentoring aligns with the culture of the organization it ensures mentoring viability and sustainability. It becomes a cultural expectation and seamless organizational practice. (more…)

Working the Relationship

Successful leaders recognize that they need the confidence, support and commitment of those with whom they work.

Strong bonds impact productivity and results.  Leaders create relationships with their people by listening, by showing them they care, by recognizing individual assets and finding ways to tap into their strengths. (more…)

Celebrate Mentoring!

January was National Mentoring Month. President Obama called upon public officials, business and community leaders, educators, and Americans across the country to observe the month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs. As a result, many organizations saw this proclamation as an opportunity to celebrate mentoring. (more…)

Leaders can be lonely at the top!

Leaders often tell us that one of the drawbacks to being in charge is that they feel lonely and isolated. Ironically, at the very time when leaders need colleagueship the most, they experience it the least. Some loneliness is self-imposed and some is not.  Many leaders have difficulty reaching out to others with comparable levels of experience and savvy.  Many feel a lack of safety in sharing personal challenges and frustrations with internal colleagues. They are concerned that exposing their own vulnerability may one day bite them in the back, even if what is said is “in confidence.”  Yet, particularly in new positions of responsibility and authority, leaders are more effective and less stressed when they  bounce ideas off of, see a different perspective, find an experienced guide with and in a trusted advisor. (more…)