Media AllPodcastsVideosWebinars Building Inclusive Cultures Through Mentoring (Work from the Inside Out with Tammy Gooler | July 2022) What Mentorship Means (Culture Moments Podcast | March 2022) The Ingredients of a Successful Mentoring Program (Get Unstuck and On Target | December 2021) Celebrating Mentoring Excellence with Lisa Fain (WeMentor Podcast | October 2021) Mentoring Excellence with Dr. Lois Zachary (WeMentor Podcast | October 2021) A Rare Look Inside a Mother and Daughter’s Transition of Ownership (WeMentor Podcast | November 2021) Keys to Finding, Cultivating, and Ending Mentor Relationships with Lisa Fain (When Science Speaks | September 2021) Lisa Fain from CME (Erin Keam, April 2021) Measuring Results from Social Media (Book Marketing Podcast | March 2021) The Right Way to Find a Mentor (Libby’s Leadership Lab | January 2021) How We See a Future for Mentoring (Thinking Inside the Box | December 2020) Lisa Fain, CME (Doing Good Business Podcast | December 2020) Having a Mentor is More Important Than Ever (Here’s Something Good | November 2020) How to Find a Mentor: 3 Steps to Forming the Relationship (NPR Lifekit | September 2020) Why Mentoring Should Be an Organizational Strategy (People at Work | September 2020) How Mentoring Can Help Women with Self-Discovery & Creating Healthy Boundaries (Leadership Strategies for Women | August 2020) What Leaders Need to Know About Diversity + Inclusion (Intentional Living & Leadership | July 2020) Interview with Lisa Fain (Breakfast Leadership Show | July 2020) Mentorship vs. Sponsorship: What’s the Difference and Why Do They Both Matter? (Culture Happens | July 2020) How Mentoring Can Help You Relaunch and Beyond (The 3,2,1 Relaunch Podcast | June 2020) Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring in the Workplace (The Leadership List | June 2020) Lisa Fain of CME (Work From Your Happy Place | May 2020) Speaking With Attendees at the 2020 Forum on Workplace Inclusion Conference (What’s the Difference? | April 2020) Mentoring As Part of Your Diversity & Inclusion Strategy (What’s the Difference? | March 2020) Lisa Fain on Inclusion and Diversity (Culture Matters | March 2020) Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring (Leadership Without Losing Your Soul | February 2020) Meet Lisa Fain (Power of Appearance | February 2020) The Two-Way Mentoring Relationship (What’s the Difference? | March 2019) Cultural Competency: Enhancing Organizational Ownership of Diversity and Inclusion (David Worley: Groler Podcast | February 2019) IJP #28 (Insight Junkie | October 2016) The Power of Cultural Competency (Learning to Go | July 2017) Out of the Comfort Zone: Maximize Your Mentoring The True Definition of Mentoring The Remarkable Leadership Learning System Bridging Difference: Building Cultural Competency Through Mentoring Starting Strong: Mentoring Strategies for the First 90 Days Book Lisa Z. Fain to Speak at Your Event Learn More