3 Fun Resources (About Mentoring)
For a change of pace, here are a few resources (2 that are unlikely) related to mentoring.
#1 – A great Ted X talk
Check out this great TEDx Talk by University of Maryland professor Dr. Kimberly Griffin. There are great references to Marvel comics and reality TV, as well as three critical takeaways:
- Remember mentoring is about relationship.
- Don’t seek one mentor to provide answers to all your questions. Instead, create a group of mentors who can provide a variety of guidance.
- Be mindful of the rule of reciprocity — Think about what you have to give to your mentors, not just what you have to get.

Dr. Kimberly Griffin during her TEDx talk
You can find Dr. Kimberly Griffin on Twitter: @doctorkag

Find Cara Allwill Leyba on IG: @thechampagnediet
#3 – A Classic film
I first saw Cinema Paradiso when I was a teenager, and I remember getting goosebumps then. I still love this film, which reminds us how a mentor’s voice can shape us, stay in our heads, and guide our decisions long after the mentoring period has passed.
#2 – A Poem
This poem reminds us that we are constantly evolving the importance of taking ownership of our learning and growth.
Worthy by Cara Alwill Leyba (from the book, Stripped),
You must aggressively
detox yourself
from negative thoughts,
poisonous people,
and disempowering beliefs.
You must believe
with every thread of your heart
that you are worthy.
You must make your personal evolution
a full-time job.

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Someday is Here
As horrific as these first weeks of the global pandemic have been and as alarming and worrisome as the months to come will be, shelter-in-place presents an unexpected opportunity. Most people have multiple items on their to-do list, things that they’ve postponed and re-postponed for “someday.” The most common thing people save for “someday” is their own development.
Mentorship and the importance of Story.
Mentorship and the Importance of Story. By: Sarah Haggard I’ve always been a storyteller. Stories entertain. They make us laugh. They make us cry. They remind us of our humanness, and leave us feeling raw and inspired all at once. They are the keepers of ancient wisdom, our legacy, and cultures all around the world. […]
Mainstream Mentoring: From Bain & Co. to National Geographic, Companies Create Connections
illustration for American City Business Journals by Andrea Levy Bizwomen Mentoring Monday is February 25th. Support and learn from businesswomen in your community while creating meaningful career connections. Caitlin Mullen, Bizwomen contributor’s article highlights...