Reinforcing Your Learning and Your Mentoring Relationship
In a previous blog, we talked about learning together and some different (and fun) resources you and your mentoring partner can check out together. In this short video, CEO of CME, Lisa Fain, discusses why doing activities like learning together can strengthen not only learning, but your relationship with your mentoring partner.
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Discover, Dream, & Design
We often default to negative thinking. “What’s wrong?” “How can we fix this problem?” Stop thinking in terms of deficit, and instead focus on discovery, dream, and design.
Dismantling Racism: How Mentors Can Create Change Through Allyship: Part 3, Create Space for Feedback
In mentoring, it is essential that we bridge differences between individuals to form more meaningful connections. This can be beneficial for networking, job satisfaction, upward mobility, and general well-being. As a mentor or mentee, you may be different from your...
Dismantling Racism: How Mentors Can Create Change Through Allyship Part 2, Getting Educated
I’m crafty, which means I’m very good at starting crafts, forgetting, then returning to them years later. In fact, I have a blanket I started for my grandma stuffed away in my closet right now. I pulled it out the other day to find a knotted ball of yarn attached to...